“Therapy is a gift. It is a chance to finally be heard, understood, and supported”

Bessel van der Kolk

Counselling & Psychological Therapy in Bedford, St Albans, and Online

Honouring Your Experiences

Therapeutic Counselling In-Person & Online

Welcome to my Website

Hello, I am Otter - a qualified and BACP registered Gestalt Counselling Therapist offering In-Person sessions in Bedford & St Albans, and online

Have you been feeling lost or stuck, anxious, depressed, or stressed?

Do you feel alone, like nobody really ‘gets’ you, or that you don’t ‘fit-in’?

Have you been struggling with decision-making, having difficulty trying to change unhelpful patterns / behaviours, or wondering why similar challenges arise in your friendships & relationships, time after time?

If these experiences resonate or you are looking for an accepting, warm, validating, and secure space in which to connect, explore your current challenges, past experiences, sense of self, or identity - get in touch for an initial appointment

A Little Bit About Me

Some of my areas of experience and interest:

Self-esteem & confidence

Identity & belonging

Gender, sexuality & relationship identities and expressions

Loss, bereavement & grief

Addiction, Substance Use, & Sobriety

Stress, anxiety & depression

Trauma & PTSD


Mental health experiences & labels

Kink, Sexual Dynamics, & Sex-Work

Amongst other life circumstances...

My approach is warm, connected, and non-judgemental - tailored to you with no agenda or time limitation - we will work together at a pace that suits you

I chose the Gestalt modality, specifically due to its open-ended and holistic approach

The philosophy behind the approach is that we are more than merely the sum of our parts, and are best understood when considered in our entirety - mind, body, spirit, emotions & experiences

Through raising our awareness in each of these areas, we can come to understand our subconscious patterns and processes and effect meaningful change in our lives

My Professional Background

Over the past 22 or more years I have worked within private, charitable, and NHS Mental Health Services, in addition to youth-work, Sexual Health outreach, Community Counselling placements, and Private Practice

I have extensive experience of supporting and relating to people from various cultural, social, theological, and economic backgrounds, affected by and responding to a variety of challenges and experiences

My Qualifications

In addition to my Professional Diploma in Gestalt Counselling (Dip.Couns), I also hold Post Graduate Certificate In Embodied Therapeutic Practice, and a City & Guilds Certificate in Community Mental Health Care

Legal and Ethical Considerations

I am fully insured to practice, maintain my Professional Registration and Membership of the British Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy, and abide by their Ethical Framework & Professional Conduct standards. I am committed to my continuing personal and professional development, and receive regular professional supervision

Working Together

Once you get in touch I will contact you to arrange an initial appointment - either face to face or online, whichever your preference - at which you can share what brings you, we can establish whether we are 'a good fit’, and can explore how I may be able to help

If we decide to continue together, we will meet weekly at a regular time-slot - either in-person or online - for a 60 minute session

There is no imposed time-limit on our work together, your therapeutic journey will be as individual as you are and we can review how you feel things are going regularly


Due to the difference in overhead costs, my fees differ from location to location:

My fees in St Albans are £70 per session

My fees in Bedford are £65 per session

My fees for regular online sessions are £60 per session

Weekly payment in advance, by Bank Transfer is preferable, however, I am open to discussions around monthly payment, if this is your preference

Missed appointments, and cancellations with less than 24 hours notice, will require full payment

Open Up In Confidence

I offer sessions in a calm, private space in which you can share and explore your thoughts, feelings and experiences freely, and open up in confidence

Whilst listening with empathy and sensitivity I can support you in identifying your patterns of thought and behaviour, connecting with your embodied experience, growing your awareness, and discerning your choices and opportunities

A Shared Journey

Do you find yourself at a crossroads? Or, having lost your way? Would you like to reflect upon your direction, identify what drives and guides you, or recalibrate your internal compass? Together we can consider your destination, to get you back on track, or to identify a new direction - should that be your desire

Whilst we cannot predict what may be around the next bend in the road, during our shared journey we can identify and gather the necessary tools and skills to support you on your path - wherever it may take you

See The Woods And The Trees

Our work together can support you in gaining greater insight into your current, (and past) challenges; in understanding your innate responses, reactions & defaults, and identifying opportunities for change - where desired; and in exploring alternative perspectives - to inform your choices and responses going forward - helping you to see The Woods and The Trees!

My Locations

I offer in-person sessions at private rooms in Bedford and St Albans, and see clients from Bedfordshire, Milton Keynes, Cambridgeshire, Hertfordshire, & Buckinghamshire

I also offer sessions online

Frequently Asked Questions

How long do people stay in Counselling / Therapy for?

Some clients come with a particular goal or challenge in mind and may choose to finish when this has been achieved or resolved, or may identify further areas of work that they would like to undertake

Other clients come looking for a longer-term and deeper therapeutic exploration of their experiences - especially where these have had a substantial impact on their lives - this may require an ongoing, open-ended approach

Which approach will be most suitable for you will depend on your reasons for coming and what you hope to gain from the process. We can discuss this together at our initial appointment(s) and take it from there

There is no imposed time-limit on our work together - we will work at a pace that suits you - your therapeutic journey will be as individual as you are and we can review how you feel things are going, regularly

I will provide a confidential* and non-judgemental environment (whether in-person or online), warmth, and connection, in which you can explore and gain insight into your internal world and perspectives, life events and circumstances, and uncover the meaning that you have made, and context, of your experiences

Online or In-Person - Which is Best?

Whilst therapeutic counselling and psychological therapy can help with a wide range of issues, such as anxiety, stress, depression, life-changing decision-making or feeling at a crossroads, loneliness, relationship challenges, self-esteem, discrimination, pet bereavement and more - not all issues can be suitably addressed through online Counselling, and in-person appointments may be more appropriate

I will advise you if I feel that in-person Counselling, or some other form of support may be more suitable for you, and will make every effort to assist you in a referral to a suitable, alternative source of support, should this be necessary

Similarly, should my approach not feel like the right fit for you I will endeavour to signpost you to an alternative service or Counsellor

It is important to note that ‘Online’ Counselling differs from in-person work - due to the nature of our physical separation and reliance on the technology to convey, accurately and in real-time, our facial expressions and the volume and tone of our voices

What about Confidentiality?

Your Counselling sessions are confidential, and your information will remain anonymous.

*There are, however, a few rare exceptions

I would need to breach confidentiality if:

I believed a child or vulnerable adult were being abused; I believed that you or others were at risk of serious harm; You informed me of a planned act of terrorism or other serious crime; Or, I was ordered to do so by a Court of Law

In the unlikely event that I should have need to breach your confidentiality, I would endeavour to discuss it with you beforehand, wherever possible, and where legally permitted to do so

I access regular Supervision, as is my professional obligation, and discuss with my Supervisor my work with clients. This contributes to you receiving the highest possible standard of service

Get In Touch

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions

Once you get in touch I will contact you by email to arrange an initial appointment -

either face to face or online, whichever your preference - at which you can share

what brings you, we can establish whether we are 'a good fit’, and can explore how

I may be able to help

I aim to respond to enquiries within 48 hours - Monday to Friday

© Otter White Therapy

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